Using Social Media to Connect with my Teens
Photo by Natasha Hall on Unsplash Teens Become Strangers Teenagers can be mysterious beings. There are often almost full days where I barely see them at all. They seem to live in their bedrooms, leaving only to get food and take the occasional shower. I say hello as they pass by. I knock on their doors to check in. I’m greeted with a “leave me alone” or a “get out of my room.” Get to Know Them on Social Media It’s a rarity to see a teenager without a phone in their hands. I think they spend more time on social media than they do sleeping. So, naturally, I’ve familiarized myself with the platforms (somewhat) they use. They can be just a few feet away and I’ll send them a funny GIF or meme. 90% of the time these are ignored. I can see they’ve opened them but as they would say they “leave me on read.” Embrace Every Exchange But there times; however, not very often that I receive a GIF back. There are even times when out of the blue I receive a snap (if that’s what you call t