10 Life Saving Baby Products for Surviving the First Three Months

Surviving the newborn stage can seem almost impossible.  Those first three months after giving birth are referred to as the fourth trimester for a reason.  Your new baby is still adjusting to life outside the womb.  As a single mother, I have compiled a list of life-changing baby products I swear by.  Maybe you’re a single mother, or maybe you’re just not getting enough help from your partner.  Either way, these products are must haves for making life easier with your newborn.  


Pacifier Wipes

Your baby wants her pacifier, but you notice a dog hair on it. 
Ideally, you would wash the pacifier off before giving it to her, but there’s no sink in sight. 
Pacifier wipes clean off pet hair, lint, and just about
anything else you could think of.  They are a must have baby item for on the go. 
And they aren’t just for pacifiers,
they work great for teethers and bottles too!  

Full-Zip Pajamas

 The best way to survive that newborn sleep deprivation as a new mom
is to get the baby and you back to sleep
as soon as possible.  There are so many cute baby outfits,
but they aren’t very practical.  The best baby clothes for
newborns are one pieces that you can change baby into quickly. 
You’d be surprised how many outfit changes you’ll need to
do in one night.  You’ll be thankful for anything you didn’t have to
pull over your baby’s head after that 2 am feeding.  

A Back Seat Mirror

Newborn heads often slump over in the car seat.  Instead of
pulling over every five minutes to check on your baby, purchase
a back seat mirror so you can see baby at all times.  This will
save you so much time and aggravation.  There’s nothing like
peace of mind when it comes to your new baby’s safety.  They
make mirrors to accommodate all kinds of seats and some
come with lights, so you can still see your baby in the dark.

A Bassinet with Wheels

Wondering how to shower with a newborn baby? 
There’s not always someone there to keep an eye on
the baby for you.  Bring the baby in the bathroom with you Bouncers and swings aren’t always safe to let your baby
sleep in.  And you certainly don’t want your newborn to
wake up.  They can still nap and you can still shower. 
A portable bassinet will allow you to wheel baby right on
in with you.  And you can watch her while you get cleaned up.

A Graco Breeze Stroller

The best stroller for newborns?  The Graco Breeze has to be up there. 
This is the only specific item on this list, but it was necessary to not
generalize in this case.  Not all strollers are created with newborns in mind.  
It’s perfect for strolling baby around the house with you and for taking on the go. 
The stroller features a five point harness and can recline to almost flat. 
The adjustable seat allows for continued use as your baby gets older too. 
It’s easy to fold and is compatible with Graco Click infant seats.  This will
allow you to customize your own travel system.  This stroller is lightweight
and is available at an affordable price.

Mylicon Drops

The best thing for a gassy baby that won’t burp are Mylicon gas drops.They are safe for babies from day one and work so well.  The dosage amount

is small, so it’s easier to give than some of the other gas relief options out there. 

  1. They work on newborn hiccups as well.  Hiccups can keep your baby awake,
    so these can really be a life-saver and give your gassy baby some relief.

Anti-Colic Bottles

These are a must have if you’re doing any bottle feeding.  The best
way to deal with baby gas is to prevent it in the first place.  These bottles can
consist of several parts that may make cleaning a pain.  But washing more
dishes beats trying to soothe a gassy baby any day.  Some anti-colic bottles
also work without the extra parts.  So when baby is a little older, you can ditch
the extras and still use the bottles.

Little Noses Saline Drops

           Newborns have narrow nasal passages and can quickly
become stuffed.  Suctioning out that little nose is so much easier
after a few saline drops.  It will make the process more comfortable
for your baby.  She will sleep better and so will you, knowing she
can breathe easier during the night.

A Fan App

White noise helps newborns fall asleep and can help them
sleep longer.  There are several products available on the market,
but for a new mom on a budget, a fan app can be a free way to
produce the same results.  Save your money for all those diapers
you’ll need over the next three months.  

A Baby Sling

This is a definite must have if there are stairs in your house.
        The stroller isn't going to work for
        climbing up and down them all day with your
        little one. Baby slings also help with walking baby
        to sleep, and let's face it. Sometimes that's the only
        way to settle her down. Most slings on
        the market can be used for older infants as well,
        so it can be a great investment.

These are the items that helped me survive that fourth trimester. Sometimes it seems you won't
make it through, but I promise you will. And these 10 products will make it all a little more bearable,
and help you enjoy life as a new mom.


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